Transparency for ALL businesses online via stronger KYBC rules in the EU


A Letter to the European Parliament on KYBC/DSA

80 organisations, including FSE, sent a letter to the EU Parliament and Council to call for transparency for ALL businesses online via stronger KYBC (Know Your Business Customer) rules in the EU.



Digital Services Act: Know Your Business Customer obligations must meet the ambition set by the European Parliament to provide a meaningful tool for tackling illegal activities and products online.

“We welcome the European Commission’s proposal for a Digital Services Act (DSA). As this letter focuses on the “Know Your Business Customer” (KYBC) obligations of the proposal, the signatories of this letter may also be in touch with you independently on this and other important elements of the DSA.
With regard to KYBC obligations, we welcome the inclusion of a provision ensuring the traceability of traders in Article 22. We acknowledge that this represents a step forward. However, the Commission’s proposed Article 22 only introduces KYBC obligations in the context of online marketplaces. Such a limited approach is a missed opportunity to address the broad range of illegal content and counterfeit, unsafe, non-compliant and substandard products online.


Read the full letter and see the list of all the signatories here.
