New EU Legislation

Implementation of the new European Union legislation and review of existing

The European Institutions have been concerned about the impact of digital technologies for many years. In the past five years, they have had the creation of a Digital Single Market (DSM) as a priority concern, with the DSM Strategy adopted by the European Commission in May 2015.

Given the importance of distribution of audiovisual product for the online market place, it is not surprising that this involves a number of regulations and directives which will have a significant impact on the ecosystem of audiovisual industry and culture in Europe and beyond.

Ensuring that screenwriters concerns will be properly addressed in the implementation of this considerable body of new legislation on production and distribution of audiovisual content is and will continue to be a priority policy concern of FSE for the next period.

The goals FSE set itself in respect of this new legislation in its three year plan in 2015 have each been addressed in subsequent legislation, especially in the Copyright Directive, which, among many other changes :

  • brings authors contracts into the copyright arena;
  • introduces proportionate remuneration, thereby challenging buyout contracts;
  • promotes collective bargaining as a practical solution to issues of transparency and the application of proportionate remuneration.

It is ambivalent about the prospect for an Unwaivable Right to Remuneration for Online Distribution, but clearly acknowledges the imperative of licensing online uses.

The implementation at national level of Chapter 3 of the Copyright Directive in particular will be a policy focus of FSE and its member guilds.


Review of the CRM Directive

This important Directive intended, among other issues, to introduce transparency into the work of Collective Management Organisations (CMOs), who collect and distribute considerable amounts of money on behalf of creators.

The Collective Rights Management directive will be reviewed in the next years. FSE will pay careful attention to this review process.

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News on New EU Legislation

Joint letter in response to the dialogue with the Audiovisual Sector on Copyright & AI


7 organisations including FSE send joint letter to Mr. Abbamonte, Director of DG CNECT of the European Commission, in response to the dialogue with the Audiovisual Sector on Copyright & AI.

For an innovation and creator friendly AI Act


Together with 12 authors’, performers’ and creative workers’ organisations, urge the EU to agree on a balanced #AIAct that not only fosters the development of AI, but also guarantees a #HumanCentric approach to creation that protects fundamental rights. Transparency is key for innovation and creation to continue to grow for the benefit of all.

Collective Bargaining for Screenwriters and Directors. Results of a joint FERA-FSE-UNI MEI programme


FERA, FSE and UNI MEI set up a programme to build capacity among audiovisual authors’ guilds and professional organizations in Europe to bargain collectively in the context of the implementation of Title IV, Chapter III of the 2019 Copyright Directive.

European Audiovisual and Cultural Organisations Welcome the EU Parliament Adoption of its Position on the European Media Freedom Act


In a joint press release with various other European audiovisual and cultural organisations, we welcome the adoption by the European Parliament of its position on the European Media Freedom Act and much needed clarifications on its Article 20.

Joint Statement on Artificial Intelligence and the Draft EU AI Act


Joint statement of 13 International and European Authors’ and Performers’ federations calling for a human centric approach to generative AI, built upon informed consent, transparency, fair remuneration and contractual practices.

FSE co-signed Open letter to EU institutions on European Media Freedom Act.


A broad coalition of European and national organisations from the audiovisual and cultural sectors addressed the EU Commission, Council and Parliament with a joint letter expressing concerns over the Commission’s proposal for the European Media Freedom Act.

AV sector welcomes EU Parliament report on AVMS


Joint press release: The European audiovisual sector welcomes the European Parliament’s report on the AVMS Directive

Artificial Intelligence and the AI Act: a joint statement from authors’ and performers’ organisations


True culture needs originals! Authors’ and performers’ organisations call for Transparency and Consent, key rules to the ethical use of Artificial Intelligence – AI Act

FERA FSE SAA press release: Authors deserve more!


In partnership with the LUX Audience Award, FERA, FSE and SAA celebrated audiovisual authors. But 1-year past the implementation deadline of the EU Copyright Directives, they say: Authors deserve more!

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