Joint press release: Celebrate cultural diversity and act for creators, ask European authors’ organisations

On the occasion of the announcement of the five films nominated for the LUX Audience Award 2025, the Federation of European Screen Directors (FERA), the Federation of Screenwriters in Europe (FSE) and the Society of Audiovisuel Authors (SAA) call in their joint statement on the Members of the European Parliament to empower European audiovisual creation in all its diversity during their 10th parliamentary term.

We congratulate the five films nominated for the LUX Audience Award: ANIMAL, directed and written by Sofia Exarchou, DAHOMEY, directed by Mati Diop, written by Mati Diop and Malkenzy Orcel, FLOW, directed by Gints Zilbalodis, written by Matiss Kaza and Gints Zilbalodis, INTERCEPTED, directed and written by Oksana Karpovych, and JULIE KEEPS QUIET, directed by Leonardo van Dijl, written by Ruth Becquart and Leonardo Van Dijl.

With the recent announcement of the new College of Commissioners, we are concerned about the uncertainty surrounding the future of European audiovisual policy in the upcoming EU Commission’s agenda. We call for urgent clarification of the Commissioners responsible for European audiovisual policy, and for the cultural dimension of the sector to be front and centre.

Yesterday, SAA together with FERA and FSE, invited MEPs, authors and members of our organisations, to meet and dine together in the European Parliament. Our head of organisations welcomed the guests.


“Audiovisual authors don’t merely add to the value chain – we author the value of the human connection through storytelling, that the audiences pay billions to experience.  We nourish them with culture from Europe in all its diversity.  As we celebrate the LUX nominees, the historic principle of cultural exception yet again delivers exceptional culture.” Bill Anderson, FERA Chair

“There is a big imbalance between the creativity and the risk we screenwriters are taking and our income. The business has to share what it wins with the creatives, and for this, certain things are necessary, such as transparency, fair remuneration and collective bargaining.” Carolin Otto, FSE Chair

“Can you help us?  Yes, we are counting on MEPs to urgently address the real challenges facing authors at European level, in particular authors’ rights and AI. A Creators’ Intergroup would ensure that MEPs from different perspectives develop a horizontal approach to creators’ issues.” Barbara Hayes, SAA Chair
