No geoblocking for Film and Audiovisual contents


50 Film & Audiovisual stakeholders, including FSE, welcome EU Commission short-term review of the Geo-blocking Regulation

“We welcome the Review’s conclusions that film and audiovisual content and services should be kept out of the scope of the Regulation. The current system of exclusive territorial licensing drives investment in content production and a wide range of distribution business models.”

Up to now, film and Audiovisual content and services have remained out of scope of the Regulation. In line with the latest studies supporting the principle of territoriality in the film and audiovisual sectors, “the Commission will launch a stakeholder dialogue with the audiovisual sector in order to discuss concrete ways to foster the circulation of, and improve consumers’ access to audiovisual content across the EU, before considering any follow-up measures”.

In their joint statement, Film and Audiovisual organisations call for an Audiovisual action plan that boosts European cooperation in financing and distribution, including co-productions, to increase circulation of content.


On the same matter, read the statement issued by Creativity Works!, a leading European coalition of the cultural and creative sectors, which FSE co-signed as well.
