June 14, “Screenwriters Everywhere”, a day of global solidarity with the WGA strike. Members of the Federation of Screenwriters in Europe (FSE), International Affiliation of Writers Guilds (IAWG), UNI Global Union (UNI-MEI), and other supporters will hold events around the world.
A broad coalition of European and national organisations from the audiovisual and cultural sectors addressed the EU Commission, Council and Parliament with a joint letter expressing concerns over the Commission’s proposal for the European Media Freedom Act.
Joint press release: The European audiovisual sector welcomes the European Parliament’s report on the AVMS Directive
True culture needs originals! Authors’ and performers’ organisations call for Transparency and Consent, key rules to the ethical use of Artificial Intelligence – AI Act
In partnership with the LUX Audience Award, FERA, FSE and SAA celebrated audiovisual authors. But 1-year past the implementation deadline of the EU Copyright Directives, they say: Authors deserve more!
Brussels-based associations representing the creative and film business sectors in Europe – including FSE and screenwriters – met in Cannes to discuss the realities of today’s film sector in Europe.
News on the 2019 Copyright Directive transposition process and available formats to collective mechanisms allowing for an effective implementation of its provisions related to authors’ and performers’ fair remuneration in exploitation contracts.
FERA-FSE-UNI MEI Hold Third Online Workshop “Competition law and collective agreements on freelance audiovisual authors’ working conditions”
With the upcoming plenary vote, the European Parliament can still turn the DSA into an opportunity for the EU to play a global role in making the internet a safer space for everyone.
ECSA, FERA and FSE, representing freelance authors in Europe, welcome EU draft guidelines on application of EU Competition law to collective agreements regarding working conditions of solo self-employed persons.