
Screenwriters should be properly remunerated for the use of their work online

The recent study on the remuneration of audiovisual authors pointed out that the median audiovisual author received 9% of their audiovisual income from secondary sources, including payments through Collective Management Organisations (CMOs).

However this income can be of significant importance to creators beyond its immediate value in terms of its usefulness in evening out the worst impact of the instability of authors income, by making payments which can arrive at times of low levels of – or in the absence of – paid employment.

The importance of this principle is particularly marked in the area of online exploitation. As a general fact, screenwriters are not remunerated at all for the use of their work online, despite the extraordinary amount of money being generated from this form of distribution.

A basic policy goal of FSE is to ensure that writers are properly remunerated for the use of their work online. In that context FSE supported, with colleagues in FERA, the campaign by SAA (the European organisation of audiovisual collective management organisations – CMOs) for an unwaivable right to remuneration of the use of work online.

The passage for the Copyright Directive did not commit to the introduction of an unwaivable right to remuneration but the principle is not excluded from the Directive.  At a policy level FSE continues to support the concept and will support its introduction where and when feasible, while also supporting any other initiatives which would have the same effect.


News on Copyright

Joint press release: Celebrate cultural diversity and act for creators, ask European authors’ organisations


On the occasion of the announcement of the five films nominated for the LUX Audience Award 2025, SAA, FERA and FSE call in their joint statement on new MEPs to empower European audiovisual creation in all its diversity.

Empowering European audiovisual creators: a call to action by SAA, FERA and FSE on new MEPs

In their joint statement, SAA, FERA and FSE call on new MEPs to empower European audiovisual creation. Their priorities are Freedom of expression and cultural diversity, AI, Collective bargaining, Fair remuneration, Diversity of representation and the role of CMOs.

Artificial Intelligence: Global Screenwriters Call for Ethical Use


IAWG and FSE press release and joint statement outlining their common position on an ethical approach to Artificial Intelligence.

Joint letter in response to the dialogue with the Audiovisual Sector on Copyright & AI


7 organisations including FSE send joint letter to Mr. Abbamonte, Director of DG CNECT of the European Commission, in response to the dialogue with the Audiovisual Sector on Copyright & AI.

For an innovation and creator friendly AI Act


Together with 12 authors’, performers’ and creative workers’ organisations, urge the EU to agree on a balanced #AIAct that not only fosters the development of AI, but also guarantees a #HumanCentric approach to creation that protects fundamental rights. Transparency is key for innovation and creation to continue to grow for the benefit of all.

Credit Provisions for Writing Audiovisual Series


FSE recommendations on screenwriters credits : “Created by”, “Lead Writer or Head Writer” and “Written by”

Joint Statement on Artificial Intelligence and the Draft EU AI Act


Joint statement of 13 International and European Authors’ and Performers’ federations calling for a human centric approach to generative AI, built upon informed consent, transparency, fair remuneration and contractual practices.

FERA FSE SAA press release: Authors deserve more!


In partnership with the LUX Audience Award, FERA, FSE and SAA celebrated audiovisual authors. But 1-year past the implementation deadline of the EU Copyright Directives, they say: Authors deserve more!

Webinar for Screenwriters and Directors’ Organisations on Copyright Directive Transposition


News on the 2019 Copyright Directive transposition process and available formats to collective mechanisms allowing for an effective implementation of its provisions related to authors’ and performers’ fair remuneration in exploitation contracts.

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