Some of the world’s biggest consumer device manufacturers are aggressively targeting the Visegrad Four countries to weaken national legislation or application of the existing legal framework on private copying. EU organisations and unions representing authors, performers, publishers and creative workers call on governments and EU decision-makers to take a firm stand against this new attempt to undermine a system that has long benefitted European creators, culture and society.
Regular review of various initiatives taken to tackle Covid-19 crisis in the audiovisual and cultural sectors, based on news from FSE member guilds, film funds, authors’ organisations in Europe and worldwide, newspapers, etc.
As the COVID-19 pandemic ravages our societies, including the cultural and creative sectors, authors’ organizations stand in solidarity with all those affected by the virus and we support measures taken to contain it.
FSE member guild representing screenwriters in Italy, WGI-Writers Guild Italia, denounces the deterioration of contractual conditions in a press release published on 25 November.
European Creators’ statement on private copying compensation under attack from Apple, Huawei, Samsung.
A workshop for European Directors and screenwriters’ guilds on Negotiating the Implementation of the Directive on Copyright in the Digital single Market: Transposition in National Law and Collective Bargaining Opportunities.
FERA, FSE and SAA disclose the final results of the first ever EU-wide study on audiovisual authors’ working life and remuneration. Most of them are struggling to make ends meet and to maintain sustainable careers.
FERA, FSE and SAA welcome the European Parliament’s final vote on the Copyright Directive in the Digital Single Market. This is a great achievement for European authors!
Authors are at the very origin of the copyright value chain for Europe’s cultural and creative industries. They urge MEPs to seize this once in a decade opportunity and support the successful adoption of the Copyright Directive.
The Copyright Directive is a concrete opportunity to empower a struggling European audiovisual authors’ community. Participants of the workshop discussed opportunities and challenges faced by AV authors in getting fair value for the exploitation of their work.