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Transparency for ALL businesses online via stronger KYBC rules in the EU


80 organisations, including FSE, sent a letter to the EU Parliament and Council to call for transparency for ALL businesses online via stronger #KYBC (Know Your Business Customer) rules in the EU.

Culture : a powerful vector for the future of Europe


Together with more than 110 pan-European networks, FSE has co-signed a letter coordinated by Culture Action Europe. This letter has been sent to the EU Member States and the European Commission, Parliament and Council to include Culture in the national Recovery strategies and reactivate cultural life in Europe.

Primary creators of cultural works at the core of Cultural Recovery in the EU


The Authors’ Group shares his views with MEPs on the European Parliament’s report on the situation of artists and the cultural recovery in the EU : improve the remuneration and working conditions of authors and contribute to the recovery of the cultural and creative sectors and their creators.

Budgetary increase for Creative Europe MEDIA


Organisations from accross the film and audiovisual sector welcome the budgetary increase for Creative Europe MEDIA.

No geoblocking for Film and Audiovisual contents


50 Film & Audiovisual stakeholders, including FSE, welcome EU Commission short-term review of the Geo-blocking Regulation.

FSE supports the Slovenian Film Community


Joint statement from several European organizations to support the Slovenian film community facing disastrous governmental pressure as public film funding is blocked.

110 European cultural networks’ joined letter on Culture and Recovery


Culture must play a fundamental role in Europe’s recovery. CCSs call for Culture to be an integral part of European and national recovery & resilience plans and budgets.

Joint Statement : Private Copying Compensation Under Attack


Some of the world’s biggest consumer device manufacturers are aggressively targeting the Visegrad Four countries to weaken national legislation or application of the existing legal framework on private copying. EU organisations and unions representing authors, performers, publishers and creative workers call on governments and EU decision-makers to take a firm stand against this new attempt to undermine a system that has long benefitted European creators, culture and society.

FSE president Carolin Otto addresses EU leaders on freedom of expression


In a letter to EU leaders, FSE president Carolin Otto expresses her deep concern about the erosion of democracy in some countries of Europe, the regular attacks on the rule of law of the European Union and the consequences for artistic freedom and freedom of the media.

Investing in Europe’s next generation by investing in culture.


94 organisations from Europe’s CCS are uniting to alert EU leaders: our sector needs strong & systemic support measures to recover from this crisis.

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