“As screenwriters we know the essential role which culture and the arts play, and will continue to play, in each of the member states as we construct and reconstruct our identity as citizens and as Europeans.”
More than 80 signatories from the Europe’s cultural and creative sectors call for ambitious EU budgetary measures to get through the COVID-19 crisis.
Regular review of various initiatives taken to tackle Covid-19 crisis in the audiovisual and cultural sectors, based on news from FSE member guilds, film funds, authors’ organisations in Europe and worldwide, newspapers, etc.
The audiovisual sector could play a major role in the healing and recovery process after the COVID-19 worldwide crisis – but only if its basic infrastructure can be saved. 98 organizations & companies call for urgent financial support now and in the months to come.
FSE signed joint call for urgent action to sustain TV and film industry in face of Covid-19. With Animation in Europe, CEPI, EUROCINEMA, FIA, FIAPF, FERA and UNI MEI.
As the COVID-19 pandemic ravages our societies, including the cultural and creative sectors, authors’ organizations stand in solidarity with all those affected by the virus and we support measures taken to contain it.
FSE member guild representing screenwriters in Italy, WGI-Writers Guild Italia, denounces the deterioration of contractual conditions in a press release published on 25 November.
FERA, FSE and SAA celebrated European cinema and cultural diversity with a dinner, in partnership with the LUX Film Prize, in the EU Parliament.
As the European Council is debating on the future of cultural and creative industries, 90 organisations from EU Cultural and Creative sectors including FSE call on EU leaders to support an ambitious budget for Culture.
A short video to explain why the so-called “Transparency Triangle” of the Copyright Directive opens up opportunities for collective action for audiovisual creators.