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WCOS 03 – Warsaw, 2014


Screenwriters adopt two resolutions at the 3rd World Conference of Screenwriters in Warsaw in October 2014.

WCOS 02, Barcelona, 2012


The Second World Conference of Screenwriters, organised by FAGA, FSE and IAWG, took place in Barcelona, Spain, in November 2012.

Inaugural World Conference of Screenwriters in Athens, 2009


160 participants coming from 30 countries and representing 40 associations, guilds and unions of screenwriters gathered in Athens in November 2009. A major event to reinforce international solidarity among guilds of screenwriters.

Conference of European Screenwriters 2006


European screenwriters met in Thessaloniki in 2006 and adopted the European Screenwriters Manifesto.

The European Screenwriters’ Manifesto


125 writers from all over Europe gathered in Thessaloniki in November 2006 and committed to campaign for the implementation of a manifesto, which defines the role of the screenwriter in the twenty-first century.

RISE Festival 2004


FSE partner of RISE, the first European-wide scriptwriters and scriptwriting festival.

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